Resources and Samples

Resources and Samples are a member benefit and include policies, plans, and descriptions. Members are encouraged to submit their favorite materials.

  • AZ Impact for Good logo- Nonprofits boost bipartisan voter turnout

Nonprofits Boost Bipartisan Voter Turnout

Nonprofits Boost Bipartisan Voter Turnout This is an AZ Impact for Good Membership Announcement, sharing that nonprofits boost bipartisan voter turnout compared to their counterparts in the same communities. As Volunteer Engagement Professionals, you work daily to make Arizona a better place for people to live, work, and play. We see the positive difference you make everywhere—in the smile you bring to a child’s face, the hope you give to a needy family, and the beauty you create in our neighborhoods and public spaces. Your community spirit inspires us. As our elections approach, your unique role in people’s lives uniquely positions you to help them exercise their right to vote. Research shows that when trusted local nonprofits encourage voting on a nonpartisan basis, people vote at significantly higher levels than if nonprofits did nothing. The 2024 Nonprofit Power Report shows that voters engaged by nonprofits saw a 10-percentage point voter [...]

  • Volunteer Engagement Defined and Measured

Volunteer Engagement Defined and Measured

Volunteer Engagement Defined and Measured Volunteerism is flourishing globally, even while volunteers sit untapped and underutilized. Volunteer engagement defined and measured opens the door to standard benchmarks across the profession, at least locally. Apples and oranges make a nice visual for comparative data, but how about volunteers and headcounts? If there is a common language and shared understanding of metrics, then comparative metrics are not out of the possibility. Defining Volunteerism The prevailing definition of "volunteer" in the United States, comes from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) at the U.S. Department of Labor. Volunteer: An individual who performs hours of service for a public agency for civic, charitable, or humanitarian reasons, without promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation for services rendered, is considered to be a volunteer during such hours. "To understand how the economy is functioning and changing over time requires measuring and valuing all productive unpriced labor [...]

By |June 3rd, 2024|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples, SAVMA Programs|Tags: , |Comments Off on Volunteer Engagement Defined and Measured
  • Simple volunteer appreciation help sign in a doctors waiting room with a chair and magazines in a basket on the floor

Simple Volunteer Appreciation Help

Simple Volunteer Appreciation Help Global Volunteer Month begins April 1st every year, and if you are new to volunteer engagement, or find yourself with a backlog, simple volunteer appreciation help is top priority. Appreciation is an important tool in a Volunteer Engagement Professional's (VEP) retention toolbox. A simple act of appreciation can be the most memorable. The thank you note Customized, handwritten notes from a direct supervisor have the highest appreciation value. After reviewing your unduplicated 13 month volunteer roster, decide if you have the capacity to make this happen. If your roster is larger than 25 notes per employee supervisor, consider one of the following quick options: Take a photo of the staff holding thank you signs, "we love volunteers" or something personal to your organization. Upload the image and use any of the photo postcard designs on the "Mail for Me." If you use a Retail Me [...]

By |April 1st, 2024|Categories: Resources and Samples|Tags: |Comments Off on Simple Volunteer Appreciation Help
  • Voluntary Self-Identification Form picture of smiling group of diverse individuals in business attire

Voluntary Self-Identification Form

Voluntary Self-Identification Form Does your volunteer application include a "voluntary self-identification form" to collect demographic, economic, cultural, and social information? Is it damaging your recruitment efforts? Maybe it is helping? Was it there before you arrived? This is the case for one such Volunteer Engagement Professional, who has a few questions. While holding one VEP's confidentiality, we agree these are valuable questions and our discussion might spark more interest. Why the Voluntary Self- Identification Form? Congress established the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to enforce Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The EEO compliance effort may have birthed the Voluntary Self-identification (VSI) form. Many nonprofit agencies adopted the form over the years as part of federal contract compliance, representing efforts of non-discrimination in hiring practices. The Society of Human Resources Managers has also adopted this form, and variations of this form as a standard of practice. [...]

By |March 26th, 2024|Categories: Member Feedback, Member Share, Resources and Samples|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Voluntary Self-Identification Form

Service Enterprise Initiative Recommended

Service Enterprise Initiative recommended by SAVMA to all members. SEI certification is a way to increase the impact of volunteerism in our community. ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation is offering this certificate of distinction and its nationally recognized designation of excellence in organizational volunteer integration. Together with AL!VE and Points of Light organizations will gain access to proprietary content and research, including a robust resource library with trends and reports about how best to engage and manage volunteers. Service Enterprise Initiative recommended for these Key Benefits Access to a research-based program which according to research by the TCC Group will transform your organization into one of the top 11% of nonprofits in volunteer management and organizational performance. A diagnostic evaluation of current volunteer engagement practices with customized recommendations for improvement. 16 hours of training focused on change-management and volunteer engagement strategies and best practices. 15-20 hours of individualized coaching and the support of a [...]

By |March 21st, 2023|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples, VEP Ecosystem Offerings|Comments Off on Service Enterprise Initiative Recommended
  • Volunteer Appreciation Ideas for National Volunteer Week Appreciation 2022

Volunteer Appreciation Ideas

Volunteer Appreciation Ideas How To: Appreciate Your Volunteers It’s National Volunteer Appreciation Week, and in honor of the occasion, we have volunteer appreciation ideas and tips to share showing your volunteers they matter -- this week, and always.  While showing appreciation for volunteers is a nice thing to do, it also benefits the recipient and the organization. Intentionally building recognition into your organization’s culture motivates volunteers and can help you retain them—and even attract new ones.  How does volunteer appreciation benefit you, your volunteers, and your organization? Volunteer appreciation increases morale. Even a simple "thank you" or "good job" from a supervisor can go a long way in making a person feel confident and proud in their job, as can more significant rewards. That confidence and pride can help make an even better volunteer. Volunteer appreciation enables you to keep good help and attract more. Recognition encourages the best people [...]

By |April 18th, 2022|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples|Comments Off on Volunteer Appreciation Ideas

Resources from the Pima County Library

Typically, when we think of the library, we think of books. But the library offers a wealth of in-person and online resources that are always free to use, from events to learning tools to help with pretty much anything. While these include fun pastimes like streaming services, the seed library, and one-on-one writing consultations with Writer In Residence Wynne Brown, the library also offers a variety of professional resources.  Resources include:  1. Ignite: Business & Nonprofits | Pima County Public Library Ignite is a hub for services for businesses and nonprofits. The website can connect you to resources, including grant and foundation databases.  The free online grant seeker training, sample proposals, and nonprofit management skill-building are worth the trip. Ignite also publishes monthly newsletters, one for business news and resources and one for grant opportunities. 2. Online Courses If your organization or volunteers are interested in expanding their skills, the [...]

By |March 15th, 2022|Categories: Member Share, Resources and Samples|Tags: , |Comments Off on Resources from the Pima County Library
  • Tips for Navigating Holiday Volunteers

Tips for Navigating Holiday Volunteers

Tips for Navigating Holiday Volunteers Holidays encompass many things, including a time of service and giving.  Many people want to give back to their community through volunteer service and as volunteer managers, we should support these volunteers just the same as we support our existing volunteers. Here are some tips for navigating holiday volunteers so they feel welcome in your organization. 5 Tips for Navigating One-Time Holiday Volunteers Prepare the Staff  Single-day volunteers are likely full of questions and it can be a barrier if only the Volunteer Manager knows the answers. Prepare the staff with a document about the volunteer positions and some general FAQ questions and answers about the volunteer event. Chances are, people will also call your organization to learn more, so prep your front-office staff as much as possible!  Be Clear in your Expectations Single-day volunteers may not be familiar with your organization or the event, [...]

By |December 15th, 2021|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Tips for Navigating Holiday Volunteers
  • Ways to show appreciation to your volunteer manager with photo of people applauding

Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Volunteer Manager

  In honor of International Volunteer Managers Day, we celebrate the achievements of the leaders of volunteers. These are the individuals recruit, train, and engage volunteers throughout the year. They also troubleshoot countless issues that arise, plan stellar events, and implement ways to show appreciation for the service of committed individuals. Volunteer Managers are essential to every organization that utilizes volunteers and NOVEMBER 5TH is a day to recognize that.  Here are some ideas to help your volunteer management teams feel appreciated: Budget friendly Write a thank you email and CC a supervisor.  A lot of work volunteer managers do goes unnoticed. You can help by writing your volunteer management team a thank you note for a job well done and copying their supervisor. Be specific about the ways that they encourage you in your role.  Write a card. Writing a thank you card is always a great way to [...]

By |October 31st, 2021|Categories: Resources and Samples|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Volunteer Manager
  • handshaking

Reframing Networking: Creating Intentional Relationships

Some people hear the word "networking" and cringe. Thoughts of meeting random people and forcing a connection can make anyone feel uncomfortable, but it doesn't have to be so nerve-wracking. Networking is more about asking for guidance and direction, and using these tips below, you can reshape your definition of networking and how to use it as a tool. What is networking? Every interaction is a networking opportunity when you think about it. You may meet someone at the store who can fix a broken window later down the road. You can also meet professionals who can help you secure a new job. However, the best way to network is to create an intentional connection with a person, organization, or business where both parties benefit. Don't just look for a way to get ahead, as networking to get ahead will just put you further behind.   Tips to Consider for Networking [...]

By |August 16th, 2021|Categories: Resources and Samples, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Reframing Networking: Creating Intentional Relationships

5 Tips to Create a Better Resume

When was the last time you updated your resume? If you’re like me, you update your resume when looking for a new job. However, the optimal time is right now! Keeping your resume current at all times takes away the stress of updating your resume during crucial times. 5 tips to create a better resume Keep a master list - Expecting to remember every job and every aspect of that job is unrealistic. Create a master document that you update regularly when you gain more skills. Then go a step further and list out if the job duty highlights soft skills. Below is an example: Developed and implemented a four person task force to collect, analyze, and resolve customer grievances. Customer satisfaction improved by 52% since implementation (leadership, teamwork, communication) Don’t sell yourself short - People often underestimate their skill set, women even more so than men. Therefore, have confidence [...]

By |June 17th, 2021|Categories: Resources and Samples|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 5 Tips to Create a Better Resume

Stay Cool and Stay Safe

Gone are the perfect Tucson days of cool breezes and open windows. Summer is fast approaching; it’s time to start thinking about how to beat the heat. Remaining COVID safe during 100+ degree days will add extra challenges, so here are 5 way to stay cool while staying safe: 5 Ways to Beat the Heat Designate break areas - Taking a break is a necessity. Designate indoor and outdoor break areas so volunteers know where they can rest. For outdoor break areas, shade is a must. White tarps, fans, misters and even potted plants help create an outdoor oasis. Also designate areas where volunteers can remove their masks. Sweaty masks are ineffective so encourage volunteers to bring a space or offer paper mask replacements.  Limit break room capacity - Measure your break space and set an occupancy limit so people are able to distance at least 6 feet apart. To [...]

By |May 12th, 2021|Categories: Resources and Samples|Tags: |Comments Off on Stay Cool and Stay Safe

Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week

Where would we be without volunteers? If your organization is like the Reid Park Zoo, you would not be able to function as efficiently, nor effectively without volunteers. They keep us organized in the office, do community outreach, and educate guests. They donate time and resources, and ensure the organization is achieving its mission. Volunteers are truly the backbone of many organizations and worth more than the national average of $27.20 per hour. April 18-24th is National Volunteer Week. During this week, and throughout the year, it's important that we celebrate the people who donate their time and talents. We should also take time to recognize the reasons people volunteer. Through this, we can create meaningful opportunities and celebrate them appropriately.  Why people volunteer: Personal ties - many people volunteer because they have a connection to the organization. For these volunteers, create activities that directly relate to the mission, as [...]

By |April 23rd, 2021|Categories: Resources and Samples, SAVMA Events, Uncategorized|Tags: , |Comments Off on Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week

Tips for Meaningful Volunteer Appreciation 

  On Thursday, February 18, 2021, volunteer managers gathered together for a roundtable discussion on volunteer appreciation. As we approach volunteer appreciation week, here are the top tips on creating a meaningful thank you experience for your volunteers. Trinket/giveaway Ideas It’s very easy to rely on trinkets or small gifts as tokens of appreciation. Get creative and look offering for experiences by partnering with local organizations. A ticket swap allows volunteers to create memories while opening the door to future partnerships. Creating experiences is not always be feasible, especially in the time of COVID-19, so look for items to give away that have meaning. At the Reid Park Zoo, volunteers receive lapel pins in the shape of different animals to recognize their hours of service. Other items to consider are things that can be used while volunteering --branded hats, jackets, sun sleeves, etc. Event Ideas When [...]

By |March 12th, 2021|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples, Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on Tips for Meaningful Volunteer Appreciation 

Random Acts of Kindness Week

The following post is written by Sierra Horsey, a SAVMA Member and new member of the SAVMA Communications Committee. Sierra is the Volunteer Program Coordinator at Reid Park Zoo.  _____ Random Act of Kindness Week It’s no secret that 2020 was a year filled with unprecedented events and challenges. These challenges caused feelings of fear, anxiety, stress, and loneliness. As a volunteer manager, it’s easy to feel a sense of hopelessness when it comes to managing volunteers during a time of crisis. Many facilities have stopped volunteer activities all together or are only offering extremely limited opportunities.   The pandemic necessitated a near six month closure of Reid Park Zoo. All non-essential staff worked from home and volunteer programs were suspended. When the Zoo reopened, volunteer opportunities were greatly reduced to limit the number of people in the Zoo. In 2021 (seven months after the Zoo reopened), about one third of Zoo [...]

By |February 16th, 2021|Categories: Resources and Samples, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Random Acts of Kindness Week

Racial Equity Tools Because Black Lives Matter!

As the protests continue this first week in June 2020 across our country following the horrifying murder of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement officials, SAVMA members are furiously supporting their volunteers and their workplaces in a variety of ways. Here are a few of the noted tools and resources that members of the volunteer management community have brought forward to help Volunteer Managers understand the environment in which they find themselves. We hope you find them useful. The Racial Equity Tools Website About the Racial Equity Tools website, it is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large. Racial Equity Tools includes the merger of three [...]

By |June 2nd, 2020|Categories: Resources and Samples|Comments Off on Racial Equity Tools Because Black Lives Matter!
  • COVID-19 Volunteer Administrator Resources

COVID-19 Resources for Volunteer Administrators

COVID-19 Resources for Volunteer Administrators In response to COVID-19, SAVMA compiled resources for volunteer administrators and  conducted a survey of its members to assess needs.  We received a representative number of responses, compiled into a report you can read by clicking the button below. SAVMA's COVID-19 Survey Response Report Click here to view the Report To support your needs SAVMA Will… Continue to provide links and information about community resources and clear recommendations about implementing CDC standards with regards to COVID 19 Support volunteer managers doing check ins with volunteers on leave Create a process for members to promote their needs on SAVMA’s social media and website Promote self care to volunteer managers Provide back to basics support for those who are doing new work in volunteer management outside their day to day work Host the SAVMA Fair (Volunteer Recognition and Recruitment Event) to support organizations in gaining new volunteers [...]

By |April 25th, 2020|Categories: Resources and Samples|Comments Off on COVID-19 Resources for Volunteer Administrators

CVA Study Group

CVA Study Group Make It Happen Now, LLC, (MIHN) offers a virtual CVA study group for qualified candidates that begins July 13th.  Facilitated by the managing partners, CVAs themselves, the study groups help candidates learn from each other through weekly discussions. Over the last four years, participants have come from throughout the U.S. and Canada with experience in a variety of volunteer engagement settings. A whopping 100% of their participants state they would recommend the study group to their colleagues or friends. CVA Study Groups Benefit Those with test anxiety Volunteer administrators with experience in limited settings or organizations Individuals with no access to local study groups Those with little or no exam experience in recent years, and/or Those who want to best prepare themselves for the exam. The MIHN CVA Study Group helps candidates pace themselves as they study the CCVA recommended texts and keeps them focused on their goal [...]

By |June 14th, 2016|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples, VEP Ecosystem Offerings|Comments Off on CVA Study Group
  • Overtime Law Changes Loom picture of an alarm clock

Overtime Law Changes Loom

Overtime Law Changes Loom The Department of Labor (DOL) proposed overtime law changes loom in the coming weeks. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that nonexempt (hourly) employees receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 per workweek at a rate not less than one and one-half times the regular rate of pay. The FLSA includes exemptions from these minimum wage and overtime requirements for employees who meet certain salary and duties test. The Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed changes that would increase the minimum salary requirement for the administrative, professional, and executive exemptions from $455 per week to $970 per week in 2016. The highly compensated employee exemption would also increase. The DOL is also proposing automatic annual increases. Final regulations are expected to be issued in late spring or early summer. Here are some guidelines from HR Strategies to help you prepare: Click here to read [...]

By |May 4th, 2016|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples|Tags: |Comments Off on Overtime Law Changes Loom

Corporate Volunteer Grant Programs

Corporate Volunteer Grant Programs Corporate volunteer grant programs provide financial contributions to nonprofits where employees and retirees volunteer on a regular basis. With this purpose in mind, you can consider it as one of your volunteer engagement strategies. The result will build relationships and generate income for your program. The following list of corporations is for members only. Please log in to continue reading. [memberonly] Dollars for Doers Allstate: This insurance company gives the nonprofit of an employee’s choice up to $1,000 in exchange for 16 hours of service at the same nonprofit. This equates to more than $60 for every volunteer hour served. Click here for details. Bank of America The Bank of America Charitable Foundation offers a grant program for employees and retirees who volunteer on a regular basis; $250 grants for 50 hours of service, and $500 for 100 hours of service. Click here for details. Boeing [...]

By |April 27th, 2016|Categories: Resources and Samples|Comments Off on Corporate Volunteer Grant Programs
  • Women Of Worth nominations Open graphic

Women of Worth Nominations Open

Women of Worth Nominations Open March's Women's History Month may be ending, but it’s countdown to National Volunteer Week (April 10-16, 2016) and we’re just getting started at lifting up inspiring stories of women who make their mark through service. The Women of Worth nominations are open. The Points of Light CEO, Tracy Hoover, reflects on the broad roster of history making women – and the powerhouse brands, like L’Oreal Paris, who are adding their might to the call for gender equality and opportunity. Throughout the month of April, L’Oreal Paris accepts nominations for the prestigious WOW program. Each year, L'Oréal Paris launches a nationwide search for ten extraordinary nonprofit leaders to be named WOW honorees. Each honoree receives $25,000 to support their charitable cause, mentorship from the L'Oréal Paris network and a national platform to tell their stories. Read more about the nominating process at Points of Light. Women [...]

By |April 7th, 2016|Categories: Resources and Samples|Comments Off on Women of Worth Nominations Open
  • Congressional First Responder of Distinction Award- Fire truck in picture, words describe the remaining details.

Congressional First Responder of Distinction Award

Congressional First Responder of Distinction Award Congresswoman Martha McSally’s office announced nominations open for the inaugural Congressional First Responder of Distinction Award of Southern Arizona.  You can nominate a firefighter, EMT, or member of law enforcement you know by filling out a nomination form and returning it to our office. Southern Arizona's first responders put their lives on the line every day to serve our community. Now, it’s our turn to recognize them! Nomination form is here Of note, the form says the deadline is April 8, but we have extended it to May 1, 2016. Need some tips on writing a nomination? Try some general guidelines from this site.  Follow Directions and Make a Checklist: If you are creating a nomination packet from a list of guidelines, read the directions, carefully.  If there is no checklist in the packet, then go through the directions and create one. Then you can check [...]

By |April 5th, 2016|Categories: Member Share, Resources and Samples|Comments Off on Congressional First Responder of Distinction Award
  • Wild Apricot: Online Summit

Wild Apricot: Membership Online Summit

Wild Apricot: Membership Summit March Update: It's Time for the Summit By Dmitry Buterin, Chief Apricot Next Monday kicks off our biggest webinar event ever, the Wild Apricot Membership Summit. I'm excited to see the impact it's going to have on the nonprofit sector. If you haven't signed up yet, there's still time! From the product side of things, we're updating our Mobile App, launching some new email themes, and our Chief Architect shares an update on a project we've been working on for the past 2 years, called Solution Splitting. click here to read the full update Membership Summit 4 DAYS AWAY! April 4th - 8th: 6 FREE webinars, 7 experts 3,018 Nonprofit Professionals have already signed up and there are still spots left! This will be the biggest webinar event we've ever held. Learn how to attract, convert, and retain new members to grow your organization. click here to sign up and learn more We're [...]

By |April 1st, 2016|Categories: Learning and Development, Resources and Samples|Comments Off on Wild Apricot: Membership Online Summit

Nominate Women of Worth

Nominate Women of Worth Nominate Women of Worth from your volunteer pool, a partnership between Points of Light and L'Oreal Paris recognizing women in volunteerism and civic impact.  Nonprofit leader nominations for the Women of Worth awards occur annually in mid February. Ten extraordinary honorees receives $25,000 to support their charitable cause, mentorship from the L'Oréal Paris network and a national platform to tell their stories. Learn more about recent Women of Worth and their stories of resilience, inspiration and hope. Please take a moment to learn about the 2015 honoree, as she is an inspiration for future nominations. Women of Worth Honoree for 2015, Teri Kelsall Teri Kelsall, founded The Jonas Project to support Veteran entrepreneurs. Teri Kelsall was recognized by L'Oréal Paris and Points of Light as a 2015 Women of Worth  honoree for her extraordinary efforts helping veteran entrepreneurs on their quest to become tomorrow’s high-impact business [...]

By |March 28th, 2016|Categories: Resources and Samples|Tags: , |Comments Off on Nominate Women of Worth
  • Forget Veggies! Science Says Volunteering is Healthier

Forget Veggies-Science Shows Volunteering Is Healthier

Forget Veggies-Science Shows Volunteering Is Healthier Volunteers nationwide tell Points of Light that they are happier, and healthier people as a result of their volunteer roles, so we say, "forget veggies-science shows volunteering is healthier." Now, scientists are catching up with what these points of light are telling us, demonstrating that the benefits are tangible — mentally and physically — and a reason why so many keep coming back to help. They just feel better when they put others first. And this is despite the fact that the nature of their work often puts them in close contact with people who are suffering from illness, victims of crime or natural disasters, homeless, lonely, despairing or even dying. How can that be? Let’s start with looking at the difference between two words that are often used interchangeably: empathy and compassion. Empathy is defined as “the visceral or emotional experience of another [...]

By |March 28th, 2016|Categories: Member Share, Resources and Samples|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Forget Veggies-Science Shows Volunteering Is Healthier