Larry Housner Community Service Recognition

The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona would like to present their 2024 honoree Larry Housner, Community Service Recognition. We are proud to express our deepest gratitude to Larry Housner for his outstanding dedication and unwavering commitment to the mission. Since March of 2020, Larry has been an invaluable member of our volunteer team, standing out as a shining example of selflessness and compassion. One remarkable aspect of Larry’s service is the amount of time and effort he has dedicated to our cause. Over the course of his volunteer journey, Larry has generously contributed over 1582 hours of his time. This remarkable commitment goes beyond, highlighting his passion for serving our community.

Throughout the challenges posed by the pandemic, Larry has consistently demonstrated his loyalty and passion for serving others. His steadfast support in our Emergency Food Distribution efforts has been nothing short of exceptional. Larry goes above and beyond in ensuring that individuals, families, in our community have access to essential resources. This includes shelf-stable products and fresh groceries.

Larry’s leadership qualities have not gone unnoticed. He serves as a role model to his fellow volunteers. His willingness to step up and take on responsibilities sets a standard of excellence for our entire volunteer community. Larry Housner is more than a volunteer; he is a true embodiment of the spirit of community service. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Larry for making a profound impact on the lives of those we serve. Larry is an integral part of the Community Food Bank.

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” – Unknown

Community Service Recognition

Community Service Recognitions, including the one received by Larry Housner, are given at the annual SAVMA Awards. These recognitions and awards are part of a larger strategic effort to draw attention to the essential work of volunteers and the profession of volunteer program management.

Member Organization

Our volunteers do it all, including packing and sorting food, distributing food, working in our community gardens, serving meals at our community kitchen, and helping out in our administrative offices. We welcome volunteers at all of our locations: Tucson, Green Valley, Amado, and Nogales, plus our monthly Mobile Distributions in Marana. Come join us and maybe you will run into Larry!


