Charlotte Bruntmyer: Community Service Recognition

Charlotte Bruntmyer began volunteering with Aviva in October 2022 and has completed over 450 volunteer hours. Her warm smile welcomes the 200-300 youth served monthly at the Community Resource Program, who need emergency resources like clothing, socks, underwear, shoes, hygiene items, beds, and car seats for youth and families involved with the Department of Child Safety (DCS).

Like a retail store, the Resource Room allows DCS case workers, foster and kinship placements, and youth in care to browse racks and shelves for needed items. As you can imagine, the room needs constant resetting and refilling. Charlotte quickly stepped up as master organizer, and her diligence ensured clients could quickly and easily find the required resources.

With a shared passion for serving the community, Charlotte communicates well with the Aviva staff. She has been key in helping the resource team keep items stocked and available. She is a familiar and trusted face among our regular visitors. Clients are comfortable approaching her with their needs, and Charlotte does not hesitate to help them. If she cannot provide them with the help they need, she is quick to find someone who can.

Charlotte came to Aviva unsure of her ability to meaningfully help, but she rapidly became a valued team member. Her presence improves the program every day.

Community Service Recognitions

The annual SAVMA Awards include Community Service Recognitions, like the one Charlotte received. The public celebration of volunteerism with awards and recognitions is part of a strategic effort to draw attention to volunteers and volunteer engagement professionals’ vital role in society.

You can learn more about volunteer opportunities with Aviva Children’s Services.

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