Create New Job Listings
SAVMA Job Creation Board encourages you to create new job listings! You may post any and all paid jobs, internships, and academic credit positions that may be of interest to members of our professional association. All postings will be approved by an administrator before being posted. Volunteer Engagement Professionals leverage the power of volunteers to expand impact and maximize mission accomplishment.
Members Create Listings for Free (Login Required)
SAVMA Job Creation Board Posting fees for non-members is $5.00.
Posting Considerations
One way that SAVMA supports the profession of volunteer management is by supporting fair and equitable positions. We will therefore not approve the posting of positions that fall below comparable pay scale and that do not hire in good faith of this goal. We look to several resources for guidance:
- ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation
- Fund the People
- National Partnership for Women and Families
- National Council of Nonprofits
Once created posts can be managed here.